Handcuffs feature
Handcuffs feature
Explanation of Handcuffing functionalities
This mechanic has been designed for roleplay servers where there is a policeman role, pay attention to the permissions you should give to this role.
In robbing it is possible to handcuff other players by right clicking
on these having handcuffs in main hand.
Players will get freezed in their position and they will not be able to interact with the surrounding environment or send commands.
It is possible to force handcuffed players to follow you.
Is possible get handcuffs or key using the commands:
/rb give <player> handcuffs
/rb give <player> handcuffs_key
Is also possible to craft it. All the items recipes are customizable from a gui using the command:
/rb menu
Default recipes:
Note: to craft an item the permission robbing.craft.<item_name>
is required.
Right-clicking on an handcuffed player will make he follow you. Check the permission robbing.kidnap and the kidnapping config.